Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Mod Chick Fashion Shoot

Dear all

Been working solid this last few weeks so haven't been updating regularly. At the end of August Julie & I flew to Ireland for a friends wedding (yep wasn't a guest togging as always!) - forgetting the expression always the bridesmaid never the bride; mine is always the photographer never a guest! Anyhew news and photos from said amazing wedding will be posted at a later date.

Whn home we set up a shoot with 2 models from Belfast - Joanne Lyttle and Remi Ciuba. Vespas were supplied by myself and good friend Pascal O'Hare. Hair and Make-up was done by the very talented Jennifer Ireland - jennifer@jenniferirelandmakeup.co.uk and our clothing stylist was Nikita Tully who did a fantastic job seeking out the finest in mod gear from Belfast's stores for the shoot.

Both models were fantastic and we hope to be working with both again in the future.

All the best

Justin & Julie Curran